New Sku

From the menu bar, click Modules > Inventory > Add/Change Inventory > New Sku or press Alt M I A S on the keyboard.

New Sku should be used to create new Serialized and Accessory inventory records. Once the inventory record is created, serial numbers for serialized inventory and quantities for accessories should be entered into "Receive Inventory". When you begin using the Purchase Order module of AIMsi, you will be receiving inventory by using "Receive Purchase Order". "SA Maintenance" should be used to make changes to existing serialized and accessory inventory.

New Sku consists of the following three tabs:

  1. Description: The Description tab contains the primary information on serialized and accessory inventory. For serialized inventory, the information on the Description tab pertains to the model of inventory.
  2. Matrix: The Matrix tab is used to establish different sku numbers for the various sizes and colors of the inventory item, if applicable.
  3. Active-e:  The Active-e tab applies to inventory that is sold in your online shopping cart using the Active-e technology.